Friday, 27 July 2012

Things are returning to normal

Good Morning Well ladies and gents it's been a while since I have sat at the computer never mind picking up any crafting tools....... I am finally beginning to feel more like my old self, but know that I still have to take things easy as we are still adjusting my medication and of course I am using my arm...what joy to be able to shower and wash my hair by myself....even cooking on Monday was a pleasure! All my classes will be running as normal in August and I am hoping that this will be my only incident of calcific tendonitus, the doctor will be keeping a check on things over the next 4-6 weeks and will refer me for surgery if that is necessary. Thank you for all your lovely texts and well wishes they were really appreciated even though I was totally out of it!!!! The timing was not the best as it was Hannah's last week at junior school and there was so much going on, but thanks to friends, my sister, my parents and one of Hannah's teachers I managed to attend all but one event and Hannah didn't miss her limo ride or the last breaksfast at school. A massive thank you to Georgina and Vicky who made sure my classes ran as normal. Thank goodness I had designed all the projects a few days before I fell ill. I hope you will bear with me and I will continue to post as and when I can, I am really looking forward to doing some creating and of course I have projects to share with you all from this month. Enjoy the sunshine, we have a family get together tomorrow in Hampshire for about 20 adults and children and for once Paul is downing tools and coming along (only because I still can't drive mind you!) so I hope the sun keeps shining as the children will spend all day in the pool. Caroline XX


  1. So very glad you are feeling better and I hope things continue to improve. Hope to get together soon to craft and catch up. Bel x

  2. Glad to hear that you are feeling better since our chat last week and hope that you enjoyed the family gathering yesterday. Back from a great weekend at Motorcross so lets catch up next week some time, maybe a Coffee at Cribbs for the three of us at some point soon! Lots of hugs xx

  3. Morning

    A coffee at cribbs sounds wonderful, I will be in touch out swimming with Hannah and friends today (I am just watching the towels :) ) and then I must start start work tomorrow
