Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Belated birthday wishes xxxxxxxxx

I have been playing catch up all week, after the school holiday's and thought I would spend 15 minutes uploading some photo's instead of having breakfast. My tummy is feeling a bit unsettled?! let's hope it soon settles as I have a class this morning and tooooooo much to do.

On Monday it was my baby's 11th birthday....(her first birthday celebrated at school, as it has always fallen in the holiday's) so she had 3 friends home for tea and then family arrived half an hour later.

Here is Hannah and her friends...I can't believe I have known them all since they were 2 1/2 and now they are all getting ready to go to senior school....

Hannah decided to set granny a challenge with her birthday cake and decided she would like a yellow racing car! my poor mum her fingers were black after making the black wheels!

I will post some card photo's for you tomorrow as I have lots to show you.

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